I am a logic thinker with an "A" profile. I was suprised by the sheet because it was written as I learned best when I focus on the details and I have an ability to follow step-by-step visual and auditory instructions. When I first read this learning profile sheet I didn't never noticed and I thought I was very bad at those things. However, now when I think about my past experiences actually some were correct and it was just for me. For example, the language is very imprtant for learning but, I have to work more harder to improve myself.
I think my weakest part is doing work by step by step, I always prefer to do work step by step and to rememmber to do it, but I always keep forget it. Personally I think that is the reason why I keep loosing my points in test or in projects. also I am using only left brain because I use my right side of hand, leg and eye. Therefore, I would have some difficulties for connecting emotional informations. In this case, I have to particepate in class with possitive and enjoyable motion experiences will help me.
The strategy to help me with my learning would be to always think myself and remmber to work step by step so that I do not ever make any mistakes. Also try to use more my right side of brain so that I can hear and see more efficiently.
The teachers may want to know about me that I really like to sit in front!!! It helps me to particepate in class so that I don't talk with my friends so that I do not miss any keypoints and also to sit infront may help me because I will ask more questions and answer more qustions so that I understand better and focus more.
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